Map of Polish EdTech start-ups

Map of Polish EdTech start-ups

The EdTech Poland Foundation was established to support the development of the Polish technology sector in education. The founders of companies in this industry very often face the problem of a lack of recognition or even lack of awareness of the existence of the educational branch of start-ups.

On the other hand, it is worth paying attention to the growing number of Polish innovators who enter the market with their ideas and a group of entities that not only conquer the local market, but are also successful around the world. Of course, the most recognizable example of a Polish EdTech success in the world is Brainly, mentioned by many as a candidate for a unicorn. However, it is also worth paying attention to other companies that are successful in the international arena.

The purpose of creating this map is to organize and coherently present the entire sector. By creating a visual presentation of Polish EdTech start-ups, we want to show the potential of the industry and help promote Polish EdTech as a phenomenon, but also present each company separately. We hope to draw the attention of investors, government institutions and agencies as well as other stakeholders to one of the fastest growing branches of start-ups, both globally and locally in Poland. It is impossible not to mention the Covid-19 pandemic and its huge impact on the acceleration of changes in education. EdTech is by far one of the biggest beneficiaries of the pandemic crisis and most forecasts indicate that this trend will continue to grow stronger. Institutional education in Poland and in Europe can also get a big financial incentive under the Recovery plan for Europe. We hope that this great opportunity to change ossified educational systems and under-equipped schools will be put to good use, therefore, together with other experts, we give recommendations and actively participate in social talks on necessary reforms and investments.

We intend to update this map as new start-ups emerge, as it is not a finished work. We hope that we will be able to inspire Polish innovators to create new educational solutions and that Polish EdTech will soon become another national domain and a hallmark of Polish innovation abroad.

In order to submit your start-up to our map, please send an email with information about the product / service to the following address:


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