European Edtech Alliance representing 1500 EdTech companies to be launched on 8th of June 2021

European Edtech Alliance representing 1500 EdTech companies to be launched on 8th of June 2021

To bring the voice of education innovators to European level, European EdTech Alliance to be launched on 8th of June 2021. Representing more than 1500 EdTech start-ups and companies from across Europe, European EdTech Alliance aims to work collaboratively to increase cross-border cooperation and innovation in education in Europe. This initiative aims to translate into better quality, more holistic and accessible education for all.

In these turbulent times caused by COVID-19 pandemic, we have relied heavily on our education innovators' work to provide distance learning. At the same time there are many challenges on the path of innovators that need attention so that Europe could produce more high-quality solutions to better support it's learners and teachers.

The Alliance is launched with a FREE online conference on the 8th of June. Join the conference by registering here. The conference will take a look at major statistics, investors´ and EdTech start-ups´ view on the current status of education innovation in Europe.

In more details

The European EdTech Alliance hopes to achieve its mission through creating a more connected community that can work together to lower barriers for innovative ideas to be formed into tangible tools. In addition, based on the combined experience of the Alliance members, to develop standardised reference frameworks including interoperability, ethics and accessibility.

Educational innovation needs to move freely across Europe. Our goal is to contribute to a strong, open and efficient market for educational technology, enabling a wider usage of the education solutions, and a tighter cooperation and cross pollination of European innovations. We are confident this will also foster the growth of European educational innovation, and help attract talent and funding into the sector, resulting in increased quality and affordability of learning tools.

Europe is a world leader in education, however, countries tend to focus their education development efforts internally. While the European competence in education is highly valued worldwide, our learning solutions need to be developed for international usage. This will enable Europe to rapidly expand the export of educational expertise, services and technology globally.

With the breadth of experience and combined knowledge of its members, the European EdTech Alliance looks forward to discussions on education and EdTech ecosystem development with key organisations throughout Europe and globally.

The Alliance is inviting more European EdTech associations to join.

For more information, please contact:

Svenia Busson
Co-Founder of European EdTech Alliance
+33 (0)7 81 50 40 56


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